Nouneh Sarkissian, the wife of the President of the Republic, visited Lousé Social Rehabilitation Centre, operating under the Yerevan My Love Foundation.
Annually, more than 200 children with developmental delays and various social problems undergo rehabilitation at the Centre.
Pupils of the Lousé and Zatik Assistance Centres presented ‘The Bald Hedgehog’ shadow theatre performance based on the fairy-tale of the same name by Mrs. Nouneh Sarkissian.
At the end of the performance, the children talked about their dreams and who they would like to become in the future.
Addressing the children and the parents at the event, in particular, Mrs. Nouneh Sarkissian said: “Children are most important to us in this world, in this life. I always emphasize this idea as a priority in my works. In my books, I want to prove that every child is a treasure, every child is significant, no distinction can be made between children.
Children have a whole ocean of fantasy. I ask you not to press, not to square their fantasy. Let them dream, let them fly, let them become cosmonauts, artists, or whatever they want.”
At the end of the event, Santa Claus unexpectedly visited the children, and they felt happy.